If you receive email notification to Reconnect or Refresh or Re-Authenticate, please follow these instructions.

Option 1

  1. Go to Branchup.com
  2. Sign in through Facebook
  3. Input your Facebook password (not BranchUp)
  4. Once you login, go to connections menu on the left
  5. Click Reconnect on the Facebook section

Option 2

IF you still encounter an error message, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=business_tools 
  2. Select BranchUp
  3. Remove
  4. Done

After removing the integration, attempt to log back in to BranchUp and connect to your Facebook Business page.

Reminder: You must be ADMIN on this page and it cannot be private or a group page. Go to your agency Profile page to ensure all the information is accurate.