If you oversee a group of travel agencies or manage a team of travel advisors, our 'Multi-Page Manager' solution can simplify your operations by consolidating all your Facebook pages into one unified platform. This allows you to manage everything efficiently from a single Master account.

1. Activation

2. Add Profile

  • Log into Branchup.com 
  • Click the drop-down menu on your profile
  • Click 'Account Info'
  • Click 'Account Settings'
  • Click 'Create new Profile' under 'Add Profile'


3. Set-Up Connection

  • From the 'Your BranchUp Connections' section on your homepage
  • 'Connect' your Social Media
  • 'Activate' your Client Newsletter

Important Notes:

  • You must have ADMIN access for each Facebook page you wish to include in the Multi-Page Manager.
  • Facebook does not support connections with Group, Private, or Personal Facebook Profiles for this purpose.